Why iNfusion?

I was at an incredible conference one day and I heard a speaker say that some people in general never lose the will to fight…they lose the will to win! Sometimes, we have the best intentions to begin something and once a “life happened” moment occurs and the course is altered, we either delay or try to modify our completion date.   Sometimes we can even become complacent, consider quitting and never make it to the end of our project or mission!


It is critical when we create our start date in 365iNfusion; we must also get to our end date by establishing a “stick to it” mentality until we successfully achieve our goal!  NOTHING will sabotage you from finishing this race if you remain committed!


Why iNfusion? The definition of infusion is to encourage, to inspire, to introduce, to instill. It means to infuse and encourage new life into a lost hope or lost dream.  One example used in a sentence can be, “The new coach infused the team with enthusiasm.” Another may be, “An infusion of new ideas.” The last example is, “Her project brought a new infusion of vitality to the organization.”


Through iNfusion, everyone needs encouragement.  From the individual who feels that nothing they do is right, to the go-getter that believes they can conquer the world by themselves. Somewhere in this spectrum of a person’s character, lies the need for encouragement. When a person is trying to make the proper choices in their lives, they will surely run into trials, adversity and many tests that may push them to feel like giving up. I’ve have never fallen to the thought of “I got mine, you get yours” mentality. Instead, “I’ve got mine and if you have a moment, I would love to show you how you can get yours” is always my preferred method of supporting others.


For example, in the course of a 24 hour day, we know that outside of workouts (let’s say an 1 hour) and proper sleep (hopefully 7 hours); the remaining 16 hours of the day is where the struggles are and the setups can really occur. In 365iNfusion, accountability and encouragement work together continuously to ensure your program is not sabotaged, but successful! Our clients have accomplished their goals and reached their milestones because they never felt alone in their journey to a healthier lifestyle. We have an awesome encouragement system in place to optimize a heightened level of support for our program participants.


iNfusion is the tool that you will need every single day that will inspire you to say, “I have a start date AND I have a finish date in the initial program. I have 365 days to begin AND finish my lifestyle program to become healthier; physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually and socially.”  iNfusion is the very key that is necessary to turn ON our daily perseverance of sheer determination, focus and drive; and it’s also the very key used to turn OFF the distractions, the failure and stress mechanisms that will try to convince us that this is a race we cannot win or wont complete!  It is my hope that you will utilize the 365iNfusion tools to inspire you to engage in the added value that you bring to your family, friends, your profession, your community and for those you’ve yet to meet that will be encouraged when they hear your story of success.